Affordable SEO Toronto: Why to Write Blogs Every Week?
Starting a blog:
The internet and technology have become deeply en rooted in our day to day lives, making it impossible for us to ignore the benefits of blogging. Your website doesn’t have a ton of pages and it is not very often that you update those pages. So, every time you publish a blog post, it adds one more index page on your website. This results in your website affordable SEO Toronto being shown in search engines. It helps to drive organic traffic to your website.
Blogs ensure that your website is active and also helps you get discovered via social media. So, every time you write a blog post, you are exposing your content to audience, who can share your business on their social network like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Quality blog content strengthens your presence on social media. It drives traffic to your website by working closely with search engines.
Blog as an opportunity to generate traffic
Every blog post is an opportunity for you to generate new leads and traffic. It is important that you are consistent with posting your blog. For instance, if you post once every week and then don’t post again for a month, you have less chance of developing a devoted following. Search engines want to see consistent activity on a blog and regular blog posts show up better in the search results.
So, whether you are posting once a week or once a month, it is important that you stick to your posting schedule. Consistency is the key to thrive as a successful blogger as it makes you look reliable in front of your audience. Consistency as a blogger, helps you gain credibility and exposure in the blogosphere. Regularity makes you support your resolution, i.e., if you are blogging for a particular person, consistency would help you stay focused to reach your goals. Irregularity in publishing blog posts affect the stats of your blog. So it is important to maintain post constancy of your blog with good SERP.
More Often Is Better Than Less Frequently
Many people post long articles, but usually go for weeks in between posting because they usually do not have time to write long posts. Writing short articles and posting them more frequently is a good way to keep your page active. One should stick to a regular posting schedule as it is better for your audience and search engines to see frequent and regular activity on a blog.
At the end of the day, you have to figure out your posting schedule depending on the type of your blog and how much time you have on your hands. The posting schedule also depends on the type of your audience. Blogging should depend on your choice and convenience. Blogging once a week works out for most bloggers as it forms an exact expectation in the mind of your audience for updates. A steady post rate, even if it is just once a week with worthy content will work as a platform for your audience to voice their ideas. Thoughts an gives you the opportunity to network with individuals who are like minded and who share similar passions with you.
Blogging once a week
Bloggers do best when they are in a steady routine as it helps in getting optimum affordable seo toronto results. There are a number of reasons, why blogging just once a week would suit most bloggers. They are as follows:
1. Time Constraints:
The more you post quality content, the quicker you will build an audience. More blogging means more traffic, which means more potential customers, and in turn more business for your website. The downside of blogging daily or every second day is that your post will remain at the top of the blog for just a day or two. Regular and frequent blogging activity means that you post will get more attention from the audience. However, it becomes difficult for most bloggers to daily as they have other jobs as well, hence, sticking to the once a week schedule works out for most bloggers.
2. Quality of Content:
Many bloggers post frequently and do not pay attention to the quality of the content. If you are looking for genuine following, then it is important for your blog to have substance and good foundation. The pressure to post frequently usually results in a decline in the overall quality of your posts. Posting once a week helps you maintain the quality of your content to generate leads.
3. Better Blogging:
When you stick to a steady blogging schedule of once a week. It gives you more time to enjoy writing and correct errors, making your page stand out among the others. You take time to write eloquently and use all your wit and imagination into writing high quality content for your page.
4. Focus on promoting your blog post for a week:
When you post once a week, organic traffic will generate through your posts as your post will stay at the top of the page for a week. You can focus on promoting your blog post for a week. You posts will receive more views and comments opposed to, if posted daily. More engagements will result in a higher SEO score for your posts.
5. Time to do other things:
Blogging once a week means that you have time to do other things, like think about content for a new blog post. When you post daily, after a point of time, you will not be able to generate value with your post. Blogging less frequently makes you come up with solid ideas. You can build on your ideas and come up with awesome ideas for your blog.
6. Longevity:
Posting once a week for thirty weeks is way better than posting daily for thirty days. You might run out of clever things to say after thirty days and might lose your audience soon. But if you post every week consistently for thirty weeks. Your presence and consistency in front of your audience and search engines will remain intact. Hence, it is important not to rush your posts. Focus on writing quality, informative content, consistently, which your readers will appreciate.
By posting too often, you are continually replacing your latest posts, thus reducing the social proof that your post will get. Posting once a week will make sure that your post gets more exposure if it is at top for longer. If you post another blog post soon after publishing your previous post. You will not get as much traffic or social sharing. When you start to see the benefits of posting less frequently, i.e., once a week. You can work more on your posts everyday and will have more time to craft excellent content for your post. Successful blogging is not just about one time hits, but about building a loyal following over a period of time. A hectic blogging schedule prevents you from publishing quality content and promoting it.
A consistent schedule will make sure that your traffic will grow with time. In order to increase leads and gain targeted audience, you need to incorporate SEO in your blog posts, along with having a fixed blogging schedule of atleast once a week.
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