Web Design Toronto Trends That Need to Go!
Do you remember what kind of clothes you wore or the haircut you adorned in the early 1990s? You were probably convinced that you were the most stylish. But when you look back at old photographs, you will definitely see that what was stylish twenty years ago, is obsolete now. Trends come and go. Just like fashion, web designing toronto trends can also become obsolete with time.
There is an exponential rise in competition on the internet. Hence, one needs to update their websites, to make it aesthetically pleasing as well as make it easy to use. Rather than holding on to old techniques, it is vital to clear them out. And also make way for modern trends to stay in the game. Newer techniques will not serve you better and reduce your workload. There are some outdated best website design toronto trends that have been obsolete for years and which compromise user experience.

When it comes to a web designing toronto, every element of the site must serve some purpose. You need a design that should do more than just look nice. It should improve UI/UX to improve the usability of the site for the user. If any web design trend fails to increase leads or garner donations, it’s time for them to be laid to rest. Such elements make usability harder and muddle the purpose of the website. Given below are some best website design toronto trends which need to go as soon as possible.
Web design Toronto trends that are obsolete
The era of slideshows is over. There was a time when slideshows were popular. As it allowed web designers to conserve space while displaying a lot of information. But in today’s time, they should never be used. Instead of slideshows, many websites have kickstarted the list revolution. Websites nowadays have lists that are easy to read and have one or two sentences for each thing on the list. One can quickly scroll through a list as they are quick and efficient. Slideshows, on the other hand take forever to load the next slide. People usually get annoyed while using the slides. As most people use slides to earn more ad money. Hence, slideshows is one web designing toronto trend that has to go.
Hamburger Menus for desktop:
Hamburger menu is the name given to the three line menu you see when you are browsing the net on your mobile phones. It is a standard in mobile design and prevents clutter in a limited screen space. It basically hides the traditional file menu and is a facet of usability for mobile users. However, the hamburger menu is not user friendly on a desktop device. These menus bury your pages and lower your visibility. This design trend needs to go as it decreases your chance of organic discovery that occurs naturally by a user. As all viable choices and services are hidden in a sidebar.
Nowadays one hardly come across sites that have background audio or autoplay audio. However, there are some sites which do not allow their users to take control of when they start. As they automatically play video or ads with audio. If your site is doing this, change that up now.

Parallax Scrolling for web design toronto:
A lot of people are advocating that this trend needs to be avoided at all costs. It can be visually stunning and enhance certain aspects of user experience, but in no way does it improve the overall user experience. Parallax scrolling helps a site become engaging, but it comes at the cost of poor performance and slow loading time. Most users just give about 10 seconds for a site to load before losing interest. Hence, it is important for a UI/UX designer to design a website that loads easily. Parallax scrolling hurts SEO and decreases your site’s search engine visibility. Parallax scrolling makes your site graphic heavy and is known to even cause nausea in users, making it far from user friendly. Hence, parallax scrolling is one trend you should consider eliminating from your web design.
Complex Load Screens:
As we mentioned earlier, 10 second is the most time that a user will give to a site before losing interest and moving on to a different site. Some designers develop complex screens with fancy animation and loading bars. This results in slowing down the load time and causes the users to wait even longer. If your website takes a significant time to load graphics, users might think that your link is broken and this can lose you a possible lead and a good reputation. Hence, it is important to distract the users from the fact that they are waiting for the website to load. Instead of a loading bar, you can have a black and white image that changes color as time goes or using a graphic that changes as the site loads. This can be a dull less way of showing the progress of you site, while not completely slowing your website.
Bad Pop Ups:
Even though pop ups have undergone an evolution over the years, there are some bad pop ups that need to disappear. These include pop ups that show up too early on a website or appear too many times during a single visit. Others include repetitive offers that have already been designed into the website as a promotional banner.
Using Flash:
If you are still using Flash for your website you need to stop. Devices from Apple and Android do not support Flash at all. Majority of people use their mobile devices to visit websites. If you are using outdated Flash, you are eliminating the number of users coming from their phones. Flash makes it difficult for search engines to crawl your website. Even if you have a superb site, search engines like Google won’t prioritize on mobile devices. You can get the same traffic for free by not using flash and save money spent on advertisements.

Links that open in the same tab:
One adds link to the content for navigational purposes, promotional purposes, and referential purposes. But when you add links, consider if the link directs visitors to a page in the same browser tab? External links should always open in a new browser tab. If you let your link replace your website in the open tab, it will decrease your chances of converting visitors. Hence this is another trend that needs to go.
GrayCyan: Changing the Game in Web Design
Here at GrayCyan, we have a group of web designers and developers, all under one roof. We make sure your business has a lasting and positive presence on the web. Our Toronto web design experts want to change the game more than just to follow or set trends.
Whether you need a new website or are looking to revamp an old one, our team is ready to help. Anyone can design a website with a free template. But when it comes to designing a website that focuses on user interface and user experience, you need an agency that can help you create a website that is not just attractive, but is user friendly as well. We understand that the impression a user gets from your website will last longer than web designing toronto trends that come and go. Hence our focus is to give you a website that will leave a lasting impression on your users. For more information about best website design toronto, feel free to call 1(888)-WEB-DEV-0 or e-mail nbatta@buzois.com for more information.